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Waterfront Park - GORGEOUS!
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Charleston Creamery
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Our Latest Adventure
Quick Facts
3513 W US HWY 74 Suite B, Monroe NC 28110
Mon-Thurs 11:30a-3:330p
Fri-Sun 10:30a-5:30p
General (5+) $8
Kids (2-4) $5
Kids Parties - "Bring The Zoo To You"
Education Programs for:
Schools - including Home Schoolers
Scouting Groups
Day Cares
When Sean Amidon, the owner and operator of The Reptile Zoo, was asked "what is this all about?", he didn't hesitate in his answer EDUCATION...EDUCATION...EDUCATION!
It's all about education, education, education to help people overcome, what he believes, are many fears and phobias when it comes to many common reptiles. And, he is probably right. I have to admit when they first brought a snake to me to hold my first instinct was to step back and get out of the way.
Yes, Sean understands that when one lives in North or South Carolina fun is a big part of an affordable kids activity when the parents are searching for things to do. He just believes that education, especially when it dealing with a live animal that slithers, crawls, jumps and swims is fun!
The name of the game at The Reptile Zoo is to help educate all of us. There needs to be a better understanding that these animals are valuable and useful to our environment.
Not only that, but they are also spectacular and fascinating and just plain fun to be around. The Reptile Zoo by Cold Blooded Encounters offers educational programs that are age specific. They will tailor an educational experience to correspond directly with the curricula being taught.
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This is a great chance to BRING THE ZOO TO YOU in a fun affordable kids activity that will educate them while keeping them inspired with plenty of things to do interacting with the animals! One last thing to note. This is a start up organization that is ran from shear passion and love...it really comes through when you meet the team that runs the zoo. With that, they obviously do not have the budget of a major zoo, nor do they have the fancy, sleek facilities. The building is old, outdated, small, not well laid out and lacks a lot of comforts so many of us are used to.
But that's exactly what makes this such a place worth going to visit. Remember, this is all about a fun affordable kids activity when your looking for things to do. The best part is you get to support a local Carolina business. All in all, we say The Reptile Zoo by Cold Blooded Encounters is definitely worth going to visit as a Carolina One Tank Trip. We would love for your feedback after you visit...so please BOOKMARK THIS PAGE and come back to share your experience and take with others. ENJOY!
The Reptile Zoo, Monroe, NC
Live in North or South Carolina and looking for something DIFFERENT to do? The Reptile Zoo will surely fit the bill as one of those things to do as a family that is both fun and light on the budget.
We were introduced to one of the world's largest collection of reptiles, amphibians and bugs...perfect affordable kids activity. We'll be the first to admit that spending the day hanging out with a bunch of snakes and spiders sounds as appealing as doing yard work in a sweater in the South Carolina August heat.

But to our surprise and to our delight, after seeing our son have so much fun, it is quite the contrary.
The Reptile Zoo filled every check box we had. Located about 20 minutes Southeast of Charlotte, NC this tiny reptile zoo springs on you like an alligator...but without the bite of a big dollar day.
They exhibit fascinating animals, that many of us would never imagine seeing up close, from all over the globe, in an educational, natural, mixed species presentation.
Our Ranking:
Worth Going