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an Apostolic Library by Don Atkin

Don Atkin - Author
Fifty years of ministry in fifteen nations behind me, I now spend most of my time "downloading" the books that I carry in my heart. Perhaps they will help someone else avoid some of the "ditches" I slid into, and also provide a proper foundation for the Spirit's work through them.
Barbara and I married June 12, 1954, (You can do the math.) Four daughters, twelve grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren (so far), not to mention countless lives that we have been enabled to touch. We are blessed, indeed!
Passion: Helping others discover and fulfill their passion.
Vision: The earth filled with the government and glory of God.
Objectives for this book are: (1) to show what the church's role is intended to be, (2) to point out how the church is missing the mark, and (3) to provide helpful foundational insights for effectively turning the nations from darkness to light. - 84 pages
Father is entrusting His many sons to strategically function together in the marketplaces where life is truly lived, tenderly nurturing every kingdom seedling that is within their spheres. For this to happen, tradition must bow to Truth. – 135 pages
The need to understand a servant priesthood has increased exponentially during recent years, to stand in contrast with modern belief systems and expressions that espouse spiritual and literal “ dominion” by any means in every area of life. – 148 pages
A brief autobiography by Don Atkin that tells of his involvement in several moves of God over the past fifty-two years. His story will impart faith to those hungering to serve God.
Part of the apostolic and prophetic function is to continually reinforce The Foundation against the threatening encroachments of overt attack from critics, as well as subtle erosion from the intoxicating, faddish novelties. Clarification fills these pages. – 132 pages
This booklet co-authored by Don Atkin and Steve Crosby will expose religious concepts and old covenant biases that negatively limit the life of prayer that God intends for His kids. Revealing. Freeing. Equipping. – 28 pages
As an apostle of love, Don Atkin, shows how love is the most powerfully authentic and eloquent apology (defense) for the faith. God’s people and their leaders, by loving one another and their world, will be the living proof that the true God has come to earth and is manifest in the flesh. – 64 pages.
Living Water is the story of the author’s personal evangelism success simply by living a life carbonated by the Spirit of God. A must read for anyone wanting to gain faith for witnessing. 70 pages
The very thing that is so desperately needed in our day is strongly opposed by the orphan culture, the spirit of independence, and prevailing systems of religion. Yet, discipling the nations is the clear command of Jesus. – 193 pages
Jesus set the pattern. He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. It is critical that believers grow into maturity in the context of love. The focus of the process is the context of love. God is love. We are maturing into His image. 74 pages
A diary and testimony of the Atkin Family's first twenty-five years of ministry shared from the perspective of a wife and mother. Very personal. Very telling. A real faith builder. - 191 pages
Using easy to grasp analogies from everyday life, backed by the declarations of Scripture and personal experience, the authors put into plain language the far-reaching implications when we mistakenly associate identity with activity, appearance, behavior, etc. – 166 pages
If we want to render spiritual help to others, something must issue from our depths. If we do not dig deep, we can never gain others. Unless our utterance is from the depths, we will not touch the depths in others. Only deep calls unto deep. – 98 pages
Reinhard Bonnke says, “Faith produces good works. But good works do not produce faith.” Faith is very core of authentic Christianity, and is among the most neglected subject in the Western church. We will continue to drift in the sea of meaninglessness until the life of Christ within us shows us how to release His faith within our spheres of influence. 88 pages
The character of Christ, the integrity of His word, and the love that sets apart those who share in His inheritance will permeate the whole earth. Divine influence of His origin and image (a new creation), will fill the earth with His glory and governance. – 128 pages
This is not just a paradigm shift. It is a ‘megadigm’ shift in our missional thinking and purpose. - 122 pages.
This There are two targets for this writing. One is for believers to learn to live in the eye of present-day storms. The second is for us to proactively learn how to see and hear with the eyes and ears of our spirits. – 63 pages
This is written and designed for study and discussion of foundational truths for individuals or groups. Several thought-provoking questions follow each chapter. This book is a reality check. Church is who we are; kingdom is what we are to do. – 146 Pages

Dominion Now is about an achievable way of life for individuals, families, and the family of God. We will begin by devoting the first few chapters to some basic understanding that will equip us for our own lives and families, and to know where to go and how to plug into the bigger picture. - 108 pages
Discerning the Lord’s body is the missing ingredient to the kingdom of God reigning in our world. This book explains our present predicament and directs us to the solution.
This book spells out some practical essentials for the church to embrace so that we might bear the anointing of the Lord in all grace and righteousness. The Holy Spirit has come to make the Life of Jesus Christ real in your flesh. – 167 pages
Not all believers have settled the issues concerning death. I am writing this because I want to help people (1) live prepared to die, and (2) prepare to live by dying (to self). These are keys to the overcoming life. – 142 pages
Do you hear Creation’s Cry? Do you see her plight in earth’s convulsive upheavals and devastating natural disasters? Do you sense her stress in world politics and broken economies? Do you recognize her futility in the meager efforts of mankind to resolve her epic issues? – 224 pages
Here's God's advertising plan: Nothing between God and us, our faces shining with the brightness of His face. And so we are transfigured, our lives gradually become brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like Him. - 154 pages
The church that Jesus is building is not designed to appeal to the taste buds of the masses. God’s purpose is to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven—His Bride City in every geopolitical sphere. - 114 pages
The matter heaviest on my heart is the incalculable numbers of people who have understood the Christian faith to be something much less than it really is. Many have settled for off-loading guilt and shame, and uploading eternal life. And, I’m not certain that it works that way. - 117 pages
The apostolicity of the Church is rooted in the nature of Christ. The gentleness of Jesus is the high way—God’s way—to kingdom rule, the reign of Father and His sons in all the earth. Dominion is the fruit of the Father of spirits manifesting through the lives of His sons of the kingdom. The law of the kingdom is the nature of the King. The King is God, and God is love. - 394 pages
The church without apostles is like families without fathers. This Manifesto and Addendum focus on the specific place for apostolic grace in order to bring the bride into maturity. – 56 pages
So many rely upon one or the other—grit or grace—rather than both—grit and grace. When I gave myself to Jesus I included my grit right along with my whole body, soul and spirit. All that I am and all that I have belong to Him, for His use as He sees fit. – 70 PagesAdd Description here.
A global armada of fellow-ships sail the once-stormy seas of life, shouting in absolute unison: “Peace! Be Still!” Faith itself has activated heaven’s authority. The waves become ripples and disappear in less than a moment, leaving a mirror-like crystal sea, allowing for unhindered vision and unhampered living unlike the world has ever known. – 184 pages
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