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Today's Morning Brew

The #1 Sign That You Love God!! So Do You Really Love God? Find Out
Todays Morning Brew: Jesus said that the two greatest commandments were to Love God and Love People.
The first will lead to the second with amazing power and freedom. The goal of your life in Christ is to learn to love...starting with loving Him.
Todays Morning Brew Devotion is all about discovering the #1 sign you will see in your life that reveals if you truly love God.
Watch today's Morning Brew Bible Devotional to hear these words!
Free Christian Daily Bible Devotions
Free Christian Daily Bible Devotions is all about encouragement. Jesus loves you, He loves you dearly. He wants you to know this and He wants us to speak to you each morning to help you start each day with your focus on His love. The Morning Brew is not just any Christian Daily Devotional.
While there are many Free Christian based bible devotionals that are focused on Men, Women, Couples or kids; The Morning Brew is geared towards the hungry! If you hunger for God and desire to see more of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven in your life, this Daily Devotion is for you.
In this you will find edification, encouragement with a Prophetic perspective. Our desire is to be used by God to inspire you, cause a spark that brings you into a new season, shatter a paradigm that is keeping you from your destiny and to speak words of life that will have you lifting your eyes to Heaven and trusting Jesus to bring you into your destiny.
We want to cheer you on to live, in this life, the purpose and power you are called to as a Disciple of Jesus Christ. With that...enjoy this mornings fresh brew!
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by David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
Todays Morning Brew: Every follower of Christ, whether they know it or not, longs to hear these words spoken over their lives. These words signify a major milestone in their journey into all things Christ. These words change everything and release fullness of power and authority. These words leave a child of God with a life of convergence, revealing Heaven on earth.
by David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
There is something lurking in the shadows of the lives of all Christians that is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than the recent Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage.
So much so, it will cause DEATH to many Christians. Find out what it is in Today's Morning Brew Daily Devotional, and how to avoid it like the plague!
Watch today's Morning Brew Bible Devotional and have an answer for the questions around you regarding the US Laws that go against our faith!
David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
I want to share with you why Christians should STOP JUDGING unbelieving homosexuals. Before you get all fired up, watch and find out why I say to stop judging...so we can START JUDGING the right things in the right way according to God!
David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
No, this isn't about Christians being attacked by sharks!
This Morning Brew Devotional is all about increase and how to live a life of increased capacity and experience a fullness of The Kingdom in your life!
Watch today's Morning Brew Bible Devotional and find out how to make your life a "bigger boat" so you can contain more of what God has planned for you!
David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
n todays Morning Brew Bible Devotional I wanted to share with you something that was sooo egregious and so "not God" and what I did about it.
I never realized I had responded the wrong way and it opened up a can of demonic oppression ... Yikes!
Learn from my lesson and don't let "whay they say" do this to you!
David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
Are you a Christian that has experienced the cycles of your walk where you do the things you don't really want to do and then go through a period of guilt, shame, condemnation?
Does your will power seem to fail you? In today's Morning Brew I share why you need to just simply need to stop tyring to control your self!
David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
Are you looking for a sign from God?
Are you asking Him to show you a sign to determine if you are doing the right thing? Making the right decision?
What if getting NO sign from God is the BEST sign? In today's Morning Brew Bible Devotional I share why not getting a sign IS your sign that all is well!
I was seeking God from some answers and direction and said "God just give me a sign" and sure enough He did! He showed me something that I never thought would be THE sign. Here's what He showed me...
by David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
We are in a war...a Spiritual war...where the battle is fought mostly in the unseen realm. In order to fight effectively and to be change agents that fulfill The Lords Prayer to bring Heaven on Earth there are 3 aspects to every Christian that must be understood and developed.
If we develop these 3 traits we will grow into effective Kingdom Administrators.
by David Cross - Personal Discipleship Mentor
What is "The Kingdom Life"? Is it something to be experienced by the "average" Christian?
What are the benefits? Can you live it now? In today's Morning Brew Devotional we talk about the first sign that you are living a Kingdom Life Now! Yes its for everyone, yes its to be experienced, yes there are very real benefits. Find out now how to begin living The Kingdom Life now!
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Do you desire to see the power and glory of The Kingdom Of God in your life? Ever wonder how to experience more of God and to see Holy Spirit move?
In Today's Morning Brew Devotional I talk about how to experience The Kingdom of God on a regular basis simply by making a lifestyle out of saying 10 Keys Words on a regular basis!
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
God has a message for you about your life...He wants you to cut someone today, and everyday for that matter! In Today's Morning Brew Devotional I want to share with you how you can start cutting people everyday and why its good for them and you. What? Why would God want us to cut people? Because that is what the "normal" Christian life should do if indeed we have been transformed into the very image of Christ.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Does Life Seem Complicated? The Lord is manuevering us into position for breakthrough, but He wants us to simply our lives. A key to Kingdom living is a simple life from which we live from rest. Today, if your life is complicated and you need a word of encouragement this Morning Brew is for you!
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Wake up sleepy head! In today's Morning Brew Devotional I wanted to share a word with you from The Lord. He wants us to be awake to His move right now because there are very specific things each of us need and He wants us to have. It will be an exciting time in the days ahead...as long as we are awake and aware to it. Enjoy todays brew.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Living life in the Spirit is a requirement if we are to truly be a follower of Jesus. Romans 8:14 says the chirldren of God are led by the Spirit of God. John 4:24 says that we are to worship God in Spirit and in truth. The question is...HOW? How do we live life here on earth "in the Spirit'? Here are 5 Keys every Christian needs to be aware of to live life in the Spirit in todays Morning Brew Daily Devotional with a prophetic perspective.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
A word I got from The Lord about Calling all the hurting hearts...this is a word for you in due season.
Our Father sees you and His eye is single on your heart. He has a message to share with you this morning and its one of hope. He has a road map out of where you are straight back to His heart.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
There is a safe and happy place to be for every Christian despite the circumstances around you. Afterall, He will never leave or forsake us. Today we talk about where that safe place is an how to get and stay there! Enjoy todays Morning Brew Devotional with David Cross.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Listen...stay in your lane!! Today's Morning Brew Devotional is about not letting what you see unfolding disrupt your flow with God. He is giving key strategic guidance and you will get through, but you must stay in flow. An encouraging devotional with a prophetic perspective. Enjoy todays brew with David Cross.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Are you feeling a bit dull and down recently? Here's a word I got from The Lord in todays Morning Brew Devotional that will sharpen you up to get going on His plans. An encouraging devotional with a prophetic perspective. Enjoy todays brew with David Cross.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Todays Morning Brew Devotional is a word I got from The Lord about what is coming in the near future and how we can be exempt from the fallout. Make no mistake, things are about to change drastically...but He wants us ready. An encouraging devotional with a prophetic perspective. Enjoy todays brew with David Cross.
by David Cross - Pesonal Discipleship Mentor
Just take a nice long deep breath, everything is alright!!
Todays encouraging Morning Brew Daily Devotional is all about taking a pause to hear what The Lord is saying about all that is going on around you.
He has alot to say and wants us to rest and abide while He speaks life to us.