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mountain guide ministries
Transformation Discipleship
Christian Lifestyle Mentoring & Personal Revival Coaching
Individual Group Couples Organizational

(For those coming from and looking for LegaBoom.com, this is a media outreach of Mountain Guide Ministries and also represents the Internet Home for Mountain Guide Ministries.)
The commission of MGM comes from Psalm 43:3 where our hearts desire is to draw closer to God and abide in His Presence 24/7. We believe every believer is allowed to live everyday free from encumbrance and entanglement.
We believe that His light and His truth lead us to His presence, which is represented in scripture as "His Holy Mountain".
We don't believe its about doing anything other than positioning ourselves, with open hearts, towards Jesus in a surrendered posture and our only requirement is to respond obediently to His leading.
If we will do that and fall in Love with Him...He WILL do the rest! Some of the content we post may challenge you...and that is good. We have been given the task of releasing paradigm shattering revelation...no sacred cows here! But, above all we our Father wants us to encourage you and love you and walk up the Mountain with you...step-by-step.
Simply summed up is all about Jesus Christ and becoming more like Him! “God wants us to grow up—like Christ In Everything.” Ephesians 4:15 (Msg). We take to heart the Fathers desire and goal for us to mature and continually develop into the character traits of Jesus Christ.
We also believe that millions of Christians miss this point and journey through life without ever really growing up and receiving all the benefits/blessings, freedoms, and fullness that God has for us in this life. Sadly many get stuck in a cycle of spiritual immaturity, remaining a spiritual infant their wholes lives.
The solution is to make an on purpose decision to look earnestly for the Father and Seek Jesus and His Cross with all your heart, mind, and soul. Rick Warren, in his best-selling book “The Purpose Driven Life” sums it up this way… “Spiritual growth is not automatic. It takes an intentional commitment.
You must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow, and persist in growing. Discipleship — the process of becoming like Christ — always begins with a decision. Jesus calls us, and we respond…”
Ultimately we want to: Become like Jesus, So we can “do the stuff” Jesus did, the way Jesus did it, and then help others do the same to ultimately bring Glory to God and advance His Kingdom.

Our Vision is to help you in this process. We want to be a part of YOUR STORY and build up the harvesters for the coming GREAT HARVEST!
We seek to be a library of resources that will Help you grow in your intimacy with the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and our Counselor, The Holy Spirit.
How to live a life full of power by walking, praying, and living “In The Spirit.”
Bring together in one place teachings, articles, videos, and news feeds from a wide variety of teachers, pastors, scholars, and everyday Christians.
Bring to light and connect the dots between what the Word of God, His Holy Bible, has to say about prophetic events and current headlines in the news.
Provide relevant teachings and advice that are centered on Biblical Truths that will help you find the answers to everyday life issues in light of the Cross and how to apply them to your life.

"He's going to use YOU as harvesters. That you would speak LOVE to people that's going to go through a tremendous stress...and they can find PEACE in your words. Then they can find energy to love and embrace He who IS LOVE."
- Prophet Bob Jones
We are dedicated to helping you view ALL of Life through an Eternal Lens and see with Spiritual Vision so you can:
Find and fulfill your God given purpose in life.
Grow, mature, and walk in all the Fruits of the Spirit.
Discover and develop your Spiritual Gifts.
Gain Supernatural insight on how to handle your finances.
Walk in Love and build, repair, and enjoy healthy relationships with other people.
Experience and Live in Divine Health by understanding “The Great Physicians” diet program.
Learn to raise ethical, God fearing, loving children that do not have to stray as they grow.
Discover the beauty and enjoyment of a vibrant marriage that is built on the Rock of Jesus Christ.
Become a more effective witness and leader for the Kingdom of God.
We seek to build these in light of:
The Truth of God
The Power of God
The Love of God